Please join us on Thursday 25th of March for Mining Future Salon: Understanding Information Flow In The Mobile Corporation with MIT Professor Sandy Pentland. Please RSVP
Abstract: Mobile
phones, laptops, and other digital devices form a network of sensors, recording
their user's location, time, who else is nearby, as well communication
patterns. We can `reality mine' this data to better understand and
predict human behavior within the corporation, and improve coordination, job
satisfaction, and productivity. In more than a dozen case studies we have
found that this `reality mining' approach to management often uncovers dramatic
possibilities for improvement in both job satisfaction and productivity, by
allowing more effective combination of face-to-face and digital communications.
Of course there is the flip side to this development: George Oswell's 1984 constant supervision nightmare finally arriving. We the Future Salon audience is known for our interesting questions and dialog during the Future Salon. Therefore it is going to be a super interesting evening, not to be missed.
(Sandy) Pentland Toshiba
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Institute of Technology
Alex (“Sandy”) Pentland is a pioneer in organizational engineering, mobile
information systems, and computational social science. Sandy's focus is the
development of human-centered technology, and the creation of ventures that
take this technology into the real world. He directs the Human Dynamics
Lab, helping companies to become more productive and creative through
organizational engineering, and the Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, which
helps translate cutting-edge technology into real-world impact around the
world. He is among the most-cited computer scientists in the world, and in 1997
/Newsweek/ magazine named him one of the 100 Americans likely to shape this
SAP Labs North
America, Building D, COIL (Co-Innovation Lab). SAP is located at 3410
Hillview Avenue,
Palo Alto, CA 94304[ map ]. Free and open to the public.
Please spread the word and invite others, but be sure to RSVP
so we know how many people to expect.
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