Update: Direct link to the Zoom call for Vivid Tomorrows Future Salon this Thursday 15th of April 6pm!
I am totally psyched that David Brin is presenting again at the Future Salon. Join us on the 15th of April 6pm PST for an engaging evening.
David just published his 3rd non-fiction book Vivid Tomorrows which looks at the influence Science Fiction has on Hollywood and with that on our overall culture.
Can science fiction — especially sci-fi cinema — save the world? It already has many times.
"My 3rd non-fiction book reconnoiters famous SF media — from E.T. and Star Trek to The Arrival and Gattaca — and how they help craft a civilization that's obsessed with self-criticism, suspicion of authority, individualism and tolerance, along with appreciation of ecology and diversity... values that might save us all! But shouldn’t we at least understand how these relentlessly proselytized values made us unique among all human societies, across 6000 years?"
Please join the Future Salon Community where we collect questions that we would like to ask David Brin during the Salon. One I have is about the Project Hieroglyph: "In his article entitled“Innovation Starvation,” Neal Stephenson calls for a return to inspiration in contemporary science fiction. That call resonated with so many and so deeply that Project Hieroglyph was born shortly thereafter." I really loved that premise of a positive future vision that leads us to create it. David was one of the contributing authors. Time to check in what the status of Project Hieroglyph is.
Don't miss out on this engaging free online event.
P.S. Check out the recording from the last Future Salon with David Brin in 2014.