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Michael Kimelman

HI, was this recorded? Would love to see. Thank you.

Mark P Finnern

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your interest in this conversation. Yes, most of the Future of Democracy Salon was recorded. You can access it by joining the Future Salon at our new community: https://futuresalon.mobilize.io/registrations/groups/46606

You will also find the new Events with David Brin and John Hagel.

Thanks, Mark.

Mark Finnern

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your interest in this conversation. Yes, most of the Future of Democracy Salon was recorded. You can access it by joining the Future Salon at our new community: https://futuresalon.mobilize.io/registrations/groups/46606

You will also find the new Events with David Brin and John Hagel.

See you there, Mark.

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