Just a little reminder about the Future of Health Future Salon coming up at SAP Labs in Palo Alto 6pm this Thursday 1st of Novemer right after Halloween. [Bring your extra candy to share ;-)]
I asked our esteemed panelists one question to get yourself thinking:
Tell us one thing that surpised you regarding health in your research?
Adam Bosworth Co-Founder of Keas a social wellness game: The Future of Corporate Wellness.
Answer: The one thing that surprised me was the relative lack of importance of personalization based on your data in combating the onset of disease.
Christine Peterson Co-Founder of Foresight Institute and Chairman of Personalized Life Extension Conference. She will describe the Quantified Self movement, DIY health & longevity, and nanotech medical applications.
Answer: Taking oral estrogen is inflammatory. Immense numbers of women do this.
Faheem Ahmed SAP's VP of Design and New Applications. He will introduce and demo Care Circles: Making it easier to care for the people you love.
Answer: What surprised and amazed me was how professional providers and family members meant completely different things when they spoke about "collaboration" in the context of caregiving.
Future Salon audience always with interesting insights too, Mark L. points to the following study:
Dr. John P. A. Loannidi who is based in Greece did a pretty earth shattering statistical PLOS study proving that more than HALF (2 out of three!!) of all medical studies are -wrong-: A long Atlantic article about it http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2010/11/lies-damned-lies-and-medical-science/308269/ The original paper: http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
Please RSVP so that we can order the right amount of drinks and light refreshments proudly sponsored by SAP Labs. Also we may have to switch to the cafeteria, although I so prefer Southern Cross.
Can’t wait to see you and engage with all of you on the 1st of November. 6-7pm networking 7-9pm Salon.
SAP Labs North America, Building 1, Room: Southern Cross. There will be signs. SAP is located at 3410 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304[map]. Free and open to the public.
If you can't join in person, please join the webcast and online discussion at https://sap.na.pgiconnect.com/fs/ (We will relay your online questions to the speakers.)