The Future Salon is Monday, 6:00 PM, at SAP Palo Alto. Here are three questions and answers with Professor Karabeg:
1. Are participants of the Future Salon going to create their own
goals and walk away with a plan to implement their monster goals?
A: Think about The Game as a loom and of the positive strivings of its players as threads. What The Game aims to accomplish is to weave the threads into a rug that is capable of bringing all those threads to their goal. 'Systemic innovation' provides the power that makes the rug fly.
2. You talk about that others are playing it already. Can you point us to an example?
A: The real-life part of the current prototype of The Game consists of five different, already active projects. In the presentation I will be focusing on a single one, the ZIG Project (, which is simultaneously a game changer in journalism/public informing, education, academic research and entrepreneurship. Part of The Game is to (perpetually) create The Game. An online community working on co creating the Loom for the Game Changing Game - see A team of resourceful Next Now members is currently playing by making The Game grow roots in the Bay Area - Join the Meet up for Game Changing for Thinkers and Doers at
The game changing that transformed Apple Computer from a desktop computing manufacturer into a phone/music/app powerhouse is a concrete example of the scale of game changing that is possible for organizations and individuals.
3. Are there problems beyond the reach of the structural change that 10th Trimtab is offering?
A: I would rather speak about two complementary ways of looking at things and problems; let's call them 'symptomatic' and 'systemic.' If you have a headache you may take a pain killer, or you may think about lifestyle changes that would eliminate headaches. What is particularly attractive about the latter option is that it offers us a way to turn (contemporary, or wicked) problems into (systemic or comprehensive improvement) opportunities. If we think of the caterpillar as the current state, structurally changing the caterpillar is insufficient. The 10th Trim tab is Game Changing of the order of the caterpillar turning into pupae and thence into a butterfly. Metamorphosis, where the caterpillar structure has a place to transform from within and reform into a butterfly able to fly and live in ways that the caterpillar could never structurally transform into.
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