[Picturefrom DJ Clein + own commentary]
This was an amazing Future Salon this Monday evening with Catherine Austin Fitts, who spend her last California evening with us. Never before have so many people came up to me, to tell me how they enjoyed the Future Salon, even people that only saw the replay: http://bit.ly/8XoefQ
A friend of mine emailed me:
Gottverdammi - Catherine Austin Fitts needs to be HEARD! She's nailed it top to bottom!
Another friend told me. That was the best lecture I have ever participated in. I seldom watch the replay of an event I participated in, but this one I definitely will.
My notes supported by the evening's Tweets.
First of all Catherine Austin Fitts is just an amazing person. When I ask myself: "Whom would you like to have as a dinner guest?" For me she is up there with Peter Ustinov.
She is super smart, has an amazing background, but is so grounded. She sees the coming turmoil, but keeps her humor and the positive outlook on life. So refreshing.
And she tells great stories: "Remember the Enemy of the State movie with Will Smith? Well I lived through it. [She was persona non grata for a while in Washington, a longer story.] There is this scene in the movie, where even his family believes more the fabricated stories they read in the newspaper. They are that good in fabricating stories, it drives you crazy."
One of her great quotes to live by: Anger gives energy to evil. We need to channel all of our energy to ourselves and those who help and protect us.
She used to have everything under control, the perfect nails and her assistant would check three times the lunch reservation at the perfect restaurant, ... She let go of all of that. Life is a lot more fluid. I chimed in with: Like accepting the Future Salon invitation three weeks ago ;-)
Since beginning of the US until 2008 we accumulated 12 Trillion dollars of dept. In the last 18 months with TARP and the feds printing money we are now up to: 23-27 Trillion dollars. At the same time we would have only needed 8 trillion dollars to pay off all residential mortgages in the country.
What is going on? It is the centralization of the financial system or as she calls it a Financial Coup d'Etat.
Trillions of dollars in the administration are not accounted for. They are systematically siphoned off. She has the proof: The Missing Money.
The conclusion is, this is deliberate.
She often hears people say: "Oh the war on drugs has failed." [That would be me ;-)]
Not so, it is a smashing success. It has been designed like it. Suggested reading: Narco Dollars for Beginners. Additional reading: Gary Webb Dark Alliance
She also recommends the movie Inside Job as an accurate depiction the financial crises of 2007 to 2010. Please go and see it, I heard it is not doing well at the box office so far and we need it to succeed.
Once you realize the above facts, it totally changes your approach to solving this problem.
What can we do to change the situation?
Quote from Catherine Austin Fitts ‘ blog:

"Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it." Joseph Conrad [Who was Joseph Conrad? The Gemini Geek]
Transparency is needed. Catherine Austin Fitts: "It is funny that the Future Salon is happening at SAP. You are working on tools to enable transparency."
Strive for disintermediation. Put as many layers in between you and the folks that do the centralization. All of our transactions should be with people we trust should be local as much as possible.
Bank locally she wrote the following article to help you find a good local bank: How to Bank at a Local Bank.
We have to evolve how we cooperate locally.
Prosper.com personal lending as an alternative to getting a loan from a bank. John Smart found an article that doesn't paint a very rosy picture, as almost 30% of the loans default.
Local government budgeting process recommendation: Participatory budgeting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participatory_budgeting It is what they did in Argentina when they had their financial crises.
futuresalon: Lower your risk by desintermediation. Invest in your
health and your own company as the only way to fight the inflation slide.
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She once got asked to create a economics 101 curriculum for a high school class. You can find it here: Economics 101 - A Curriculum It isn't only for high school classes, but for anyone who is interested in getting a better economics foundation.
In summary. The financial crises as well as the loosing war on drugs are not an accident. We need transparency and to do whatever we can to go against the centralization of our financial system as well as economy: Bank and shop locally as much as you can. Get your vegetables delivered by your local farmer or frequent the farmers market. Get to know your neighbors. Create resilient communities.