Collaborator's Dilemma Future Salon on Thursday 17th of September 6pm at SAP Labs in Palo Alto. Please RSVP
Abstract: Just as Clayton Christensen highlights The Innovator's Dilemma, we must identify and name The Collaborator's Dilemma to describe the way we create—or fail to create—strategies that work. Organizations, and the people within in them want to tap the talents of their people, generate lots of great ideas and have everyone co-own the solution.
But we don’t do that. We instead have an “air sandwich” between the executives and others.Collaboration can fill that gap I call an Air Sandwich: the empty void in an organization between the high-level strategy up in the stratosphere and the realization of that vision down on the floor. Where there should be connective pieces between the vision and the reality, in an Air Sandwich the filling consists mainly of misunderstandings, confusions, and disinformation. It is that Air Sandwich which prevents us from winning.
This session explains how this problem is fixable if one is willing to reinvent their firm to win. Discussion will center on the future of work and organizations and how collaboration will play out in 5, 10, 15 years.
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