I was there early enough to see Marc Canter in all his glory and he did very briefly intone: "Der Vogelfaenger", but he said it isn't German Opera as I linked in my Pre-Be-In post. I wanted to write a "sorry I didn't realize" post, but checking online sources, it was written in "Teutsch" as Mozart used to say. First Italian and then translated to German may be true for most of the other Mozart Operas, but not for "Die Zauberfloete". He was living in Vienna, so let's just settle for Austrian Opera.
Marc Canter ended his talk with a surprising statement and I am paraphrasing: Kidos, don't get this Apple stuff, they are evil, they are buying all these people and create bad patents left and right. Stay away." You could just feel the sadness that was in the room all in a sudden. Something like: "What do you mean? My beloved iPod sheep contains a nasty wolf, that will lead me to the slaughterhouse? - Please, say it ain't so!"
Wanted to ask him later why he gave Apple the evilness attribute, but I forgot. What he told me though was, that no one is reporting that the Playstation 2 is maxed out, end of it's lifecycle and that until PS3 is coming March 2006 the xBox will run circles around them. The best things will be on the xBox in the very near future.
Met also some other familiar faces. Sylvia Paull who thought with all these psychedelic posters she was back at the Filmore in the 60s :-) Matt Bell just back from Japan with some glance in his eyes about his trip, or was that the jetlag? .
Ami Sun's father gave me a great tip on how to better solve problems with your partner. Go from You to I.
Instead of saying "You don't care about me" use "I feel neglected". Gives it a total different frame. Bummer, would have been great to have known that last year already.
Then there was Jim Fournier who's Planetwork talk from 2000 needs an extra post to give it due credit. (Which I don't have the time for right now. Just read it.)
But it makes me looking forward to next weekend's Planetwork Conference. See you all there.
I stay corrected. Marc writes: MARC NOTE: The real issue is style of music. The Magic Flute is Mozart Italian style Opera at it's best. The fact that it's in German - can be attributed more to the time in Mozart's life, the fact that its Mozart's last opera, etc. But the style of music is classic Italian Opera. Wagner is German Opera. Get it? Never saw it from that perspective, but he is right.
It's a bit frustrating, that my culture is therefore associated with the heavy "Weltschmerz" Wagner Opera instead with the, at least in parts, playful Zauberfloete. And what about this rumor that American's don't have culture? :-)
Posted by: Mark Finnern | June 01, 2004 at 21:45