Remember: The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig. At the Futurist Salon we were covering his book in May and I asked him whether he would like to present that Friday, but he was in Europe at the time.
Thanks to the internet, now you can get his talk online as a flash presentation, as an mp3 and also the transcript.
I especially like his: No one can do to the Disney Corporation what Walt Disney did to the Brothers Grimm. As far as I know even the Brother Grimm did not really write these stories, they just where the first ones to collect them and write them down.
The following also puts the copyright issue in a great perspective: ... Steamboat Willie and his emergence into Mickey Mouse is that in 1928, Walt Disney, to use the language of the Disney Corporation today, "stole" Willie from Buster Keaton's "Steamboat Bill."
I was very enraged when I read Dave Winer's rant about Lawrence Lessig accusing him of doing nothing, but today Doc wrote a nice piece to set the record straight.