Hi Futurists,
Next Salon is on Friday the 16th of August.
We have fine-tuned our approach, this time only one book. That gives
us more time to get into a deeper discussion of the topic.
John Abbe will introduce Sharif Abdullah's book "Creating a World
that works for All". Which he outlined in his post:
Direct link to the book details:
It is less technical then the usual books we are reading. Sharif
describes the current status of the global society and envisions a
Inclusive World. More like "If you want to know the future, create
it". (I love this bumper sticker and was waiting for a chance to slip
it into a post)
Non of the books that we read before started with an Essay from
Vaclav Havel, with which it turns out, he opened the Forum 2000
conference in 1997:
(The part that was made into the essay starts at: "Humankind today is
well aware of the varied spectrum of threats looming over its head.
Michael Korns already has posted his thoughts regarding the book
It is going to be interesting.
With only one book, we also have more time for news articles that you
stumbled over in the last month, like this one: Second law of
thermodynamics "broken"
Print them out and bring them with you.
As always you don't have to have read the book to take part in the
Salon, just bring your open mind :-)
Location: Barnes and Nobles bookstore at the Hillsdale Shopping
Center just across the San Mateo Caltrain Station. 11 West Hillsdale
Blvd., Hillsdale Shopping Center San Mateo, CA 94403 Tel: 650-341-5560
When: 7:00 to 9:00 pm, 16th of August 2002
As always please join us also for dinner afterwards next door at
Romano's Macaroni Grill.
See you all there, Mark.